10 things you didn’t know about Tourism Uganda- and why you must visit!

1- Rwenzori Mountains National Park- Beyond climbing the Mountain-

             Five things you did not know about the Rwenzori Region

  • Western Uganda, which forms the Rwenzori region has 56 iconic crater lakes, the most of any district in the world.

(Note to web designer: Include picture of a Crater Lake)

  • Mountain Rwenzori, the highest block mountain in Africa. Mt Kenya and Kilimanjaro are higher but are free standing and single, not block, mountains. This makes the Rwenzori the best Mountain to explore for the adventure because of its rugged nature with more than five different terrains (bogey, rocks, glaciers, ice and mud).
  • The Kibale National Park has the highest density of primates of any protected area of the world.
  • Rwenzori Founders- the largest bronze casting factory in East Africa is found at the foot of the Mountain, a short drive from the gate. The Foundry offers sculptors the opportunity to have their works cast into bronze by skilled craftsmen.
  • Rwenzori is home of the three-horned chameleon, only found in this region

2- Kidepo Valley National Park

Pristine Africa like it was 1000 years ago, there is no park in Africa like Kidepo. Situated 700KM away from Kampala, Kidepo is Uganda’s most isolated National Park, but the few who make the long journey north through the wild frontier region of Karamoja would agree that it is also the most magnificent, for Kidepo ranks among Africa’s finest wildernesses.

  • Mount Morungole where the IK live is an extinct volcano and climbing it to go see the richly cultured IK people is an energetic adventurous experience worth undertaking


  • Bride price among the IK is a beehive- this is authentic Africa
  • Den of skulls
  • God Mountain
  • Mount Kadama- also known as Uganda’s table Mountain is higher than South Africa’s table Mountain

3- Murchison Falls National Park

  • This is the largest conservation area in Uganda and trekking to the top of the Murchison Falls is the highlight.
  • Predators feasting during mating season- Safaris do not get any better than this- when predators go picking prey in the moonlight as animals mate freely in the vast savannah grassland in the dry season
  • Spectacle of the powerful River Nile (world’s longest River) squeezing itself in an 8-metre narrow space plunging down with a thunderous roar into the “Devil’s Cauldron” creating a trademark rainbow
  • Walk the path followed by notable visitors like Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, Ernest Hemingway and recently Kanye West- the American music global superstar.
  • Savannah sun setting- Breakfast in the glorious African sun

4- Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Encountering the Mountain Gorilla is the highlight, but there is more:

  • The only place in the world where Mountain Gorillas co-exist with wild chimpanzees.
  • Home to most of the 53% (574 of the 1063) of the world’s remaining Mountain Gorilla population
  • Mist covered hillside, most dense and diverse tropical rainforest in the region

5- Lake Bunyonyi

The beautiful Lake with over 30 dotted small islands is the highlight, but there is more…

  • Special Homestays- involves spending the night and indulging into a local activity like fishing and feasting on the any of the mud, cray or mirrow carp fish species
  • A visit to “Punishment Island”- where legend has it that non-virgins were left to die
  • Stunning view and landscape of the “Lake of many small birds.”

6- Jinja- Source of the Nile

Visiting source of the Nile is the highlight, but there is more

  • Visit to the Reptile Island, across the River Nile
  • Visit to Point 00 KM, starting point of the River Nile’s 4,000KM Journey to the Mediterranean Sea
  • Rippon Port- the exchange point where slaves from the hinterland were picked from. In the distance, you will see man-made hills while the point where Lake Victoria enters Kenya and Tanzania will also be visible.
  • “Fish Special” combination- “Samake wanazzi” (fish in cocoa-nut soup)- a bit of a freshly caught and grilled king sized Tilapia in cocoa-nut soup.
  • Horseback Riding Safaris which transcends a typical Ugandan village ending at the River Nile
  • Kayaking- the five level speeds is one of the highest in the world

Bungee Jumping into the iconic River Nile

7- Kampala City Tour

Formerly the city of impalas, Kampala is so huge and diverse that a day’s tour alone is very rewarding.

1-     Kasubi Tombs- burial grounds for ancient kings of the Baganda- the largest ethnic tribe in Uganda

2-     Kampala Night Life- East Africa’s entertainment capital

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